Studio @ 55 at The Old Dairy

We are very excited about our plans to develop The Old Dairy. We realise its a huge undertaking but are motivated by the benefits an art and community hub will make to Heacham. We look forward to bringing our vision of a vibrant space instead of a derelict building to the center of the village.
People who take courses at Studio @ 55 not only learn new skills and develop creativity, they also make new friends.

“I enjoy Esther’s workshop because all participants have the opportunity to create what they want to make. If you are a beginner, she gives suggestions and shows you how to successfully achieve it. She will support you as necessary. I like the freedom of self-directed work and am very thankful for her sensitive guidance when required. She is very inspirational and helpful and the results are beautiful, diverse and express the creativity of the individual members of the group.” HJ

Acquiring The Old Dairy will enable us to expand our philosophy of accessible art and creativity for all. It will provide a venue for local artists to sell their work and a place for the community and visitors. We plan to provide a Community Art Café (in no way competing with local businesses) — a painting and printmaking room — a space that could also be used/rented by local groups. The Old Dairy will come alive — become a place for events — a springboard for cultural community projects.

Who are we?
Esther Boehm, Michelle Louise Carter, Sarah Jane Featherstone, Sophia Heathcote, Maureen Laughton and Ann McCullaugh. We have submitted our application for charitable status which means we can go ahead with fundraising, grant applications and setting up crowd funding. More news on that coming soon.

We have viewed the site several times with the estate agent, a builder and an architect in order to solidify our vision. This has helped us enormously in our project planning.
Currently, we are assessing the costs involved to restore the buildings.

“The Old Dairy site has been a building destined for community use supported by the Parish Council and Heacham residents. The disappointment of the Community Project becoming unviable doesn’t mean the site must be lost for ever to a developer which is looking highly likely to happen. The S.O.S. trustees have a proposal that saves the historic site and provides a community service with no additional council tax increase for residents to cover the renovation.”
Michelle Louise Carter, NWN Labour Party Disability Welfare Officer

In conclusion, a big thank you to everyone who has signed the petition. The number of signatures are growing daily. Why not add yours. Come see our stall at the HEACHAM CARNIVAL!

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” Vincent Van Gogh
Facebook: Save Our Studio @ 55